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Words with Wings

Grimes, N. 2013. Words with Wings. (First Edition) WordsSong. ISBN-10: 9781590789858

Nikki Grimes’ Words with Wings, was awarded the Coretta Scott King Book Award in 2014. The narrative poem tells about a young girl, Gabriella, who lives her life in a daydream. Every word jumps off the page and takes her on a journey. Her daydreaming gets her in trouble at school and at home. Her parent’s divorce has caused her much distress. Her mind is a place where she can disappear and her thoughts take her on beautiful adventures, but she is constantly reprimanded for it. She decides to quit her daydreaming in hopes her life and relationships will improve. As the story moves along, Gabriella discovers a friend, David, that is much like her. Mr. Spicer, Gabriella’s teacher, recognizes her talents with words and that is when the story takes on a more positive tone. Gabriella starts to get recognition from those around her and she realizes her daydreams have turned into real dreams. She ends the story by giving insight to her real life as she becomes a well-known author and signs books by the bundles.

Words with Wings is a beautiful rendition of a young girl whose mind is filled with words that have wings. For Gabrielle each word transports her into several different scenarios that come alive in her mind. Young readers will be able to identify with the main character, Gabriella, since she has issues making friends in school, moves to a different school, has family problems, teacher problems, and lack of concentration in her classes.

Gabriella’s struggles are relatable to children on so many levels. The narrative poem is perfect for young readers because it is simple and easy to follow along. The transitions between sections helps the readers move from reality, to a daydream, and to the next. The author uses imagery, figurative language, and sensory language through the stanzas to make her thoughts come alive.Some words sit still on the page holding a story steady. Those words never get me into trouble. But other words have wings that wake my daydreams. They fly in, silent as sunrise, tickle my imagination, and carry my thoughts away. I can’t help but buckle up for the ride!” Readers will feel as if they are inside the characters mind. The story is a roller-coaster of emotions until stability reaches Gabriella in the end when she is finally understood. The ending gives readers hope that things will turn out ok in the end.

PUBLISHERS WEEKLY: “Although Grimes hits the “importance of dreaming” theme a bit hard, her poems lovingly convey the rich inner life (and turmoil) of a girl in the process of finding her voice. Ages 8–12.” (2013)

KIRKUS REVIEWS: “Throughout this finely wrought narrative, Grimes’ free verse is tight, with perfect breaks of line and effortless shifts from reality to dream states and back.” (2013)

CAMPBELE WORDPRESS: “Nikki Grimes is a writer whose words have wings. She’s one of the few who write in open verse that actually manages to say more with fewer words.” (2014)

Student Activity: Have students write small verses of random words that pop into their mind. Display them on the wall.

Library Activity: Have more poems available for students.

·         Grimes, N. 2016. Garvey’s Choice. WordSong. ISBN-10: 9781629797403.

·         Grimes, N. 2017. One Last Word: Wisdom from the Harlem Renaissance. Bloomsbury USA Childrens. ISBN-10: 1619635542

·         Grimes, N. and Wood, M. 2015. Chasing Freedom: The Life Journeys of Harriet Tubman and Susan B. Anthony, Inspired by Historical Facts. Orchard Books. ISBN-10: 0439793386


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